bulletStrategic and Business Planning

bulletOrganizational Development

bulletHuman Resource Development

bulletChange Management

bulletPerformance Management

bulletPersonal Coaching


Key Benefits

bullet Development of a working document for all members of your organization bullet Lead People into high performance
bullet Development of SMART Goals for your organization bullet Strengthen Communications within your organization
bullet Alignment of people and processes that best meet the needs of the business bullet Effective Business Plan enabling success of your strategic plan
bullet Immediate implementation of your strategic plan bullet Organizational Alignment of Resources
bullet Organizational Positioning in the Marketplace bullet Competitive Analysis


bullet Executive Leadership Development bullet Management Leadership Development  
bullet Strategic Thinking and Business Planning for Managers bullet Expert Facilitation and Advice  

For any organization to run successfully, several elements of human needs are essential.  The first need is good leadership at the top and, for best results, throughout the organization.  Second is for good management.  Third, there must be a team of people with the knowledge, skills, aptitudes, and attitudes to perform at a sufficiently high level of production to accomplish the organization’s mission.

Those human elements provide the expertise to accomplish all functions of the organization. In today's emergent business and technological environment, it is essential for organizations to understand how all functions work together to produce organizational an operational objectives.

Historically, many organizations have had one person, usually the founder, who did all of the learning and influenced strategy.  Consider the accomplishments of Ford in the automobile industry or Mayer in moving pictures.  These men were the brains behind the success of their respective organization.  In the present turbulent environment, however, it is difficult to sustain such a top-down approach with the rest of the organization following in their founder's footsteps.  The practice prevents flexibility and responsiveness and leads to certain organizational paralysis.

Thirty years ago, it was uncommon to find individuals seeking new employment more then once in their working career.  Today, however, the average tenure for a technical professional is less then three years.  Many stay less then one year, and consulting arrangements have become very popular causing business to lose a valuable knowledgebase at the end of the consulting agreement.  To compound the problem, the available pool of skilled and qualified employees is increasingly shrinking, and all indications are it will continue to do so.

As you embrace the challenges of the 21st Century, and lead your organization to a sustained, competitive advantage each member of the organization will be required to develop the leadership skills, attitudes and attributes that will be needed to meet your upcoming challenges.  It is with this mind that we at Hampton Resources facilitate these programs.  Our goal is to assist your organization in developing an understanding of the important elements for organizational development and leadership's responsibility for affecting the development process.  We provide facilitation for executive and managerial development programs.  Often times, our programs are expanded into business process training programs such as performance management and human capital planning and development initiatives.



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